[Oracle SQLcl Liquibase] Install it on Mac&Windows and use it with Oracle Database (on-premise & cloud)

This blog gathers together all you need to install SQLcl (Open-Source Liquibase 4.18.0 is included, no need for a separate installation), configure it and use it with your Oracle databases - both on-premise and OCI Cloud (ATP, ADW, etc.). MacOS & Windows guide included.

For a standalone Liquibase installation guide, see my other article.

Installation steps for macOS

  • tested at MacbokPro with M1 Sonoma 14.2.1

  • SQLcl 23.3 with Open Source Liquibase 4.18.0 included

Go to the Oracle website and download the latest version of SQLcl.

Unpack the downloaded file and put it in your folder with applications.

  • I use /Users/rg/apps/oracle/ for that (use whatever you wish)

  • Your folder /sqlcl/ should look similar to this:

Your macOS should already have JAVA installed, but verify it by typing into the terminal:

java --version

If you don't have JAVA, install it first.

Add SQLcl to your path:

  • Most Macs use ZSH (Z Shell - default for MacOS and Linux)

  • Go to /your_user/ and find .zshrc file

  • If you don't see it, you must make your hidden files visible by clicking "SHIFT+CMD + ."

Read this article if you can't find zshrc.

Add new line (change it for your path)

 export PATH="/Users/[your_user]/apps/oracle/sqlcl/bin:$PATH"
# change the path if you use different folder

Save the file and verify if SQLcl is installed.

Open terminal and type:

sql /nolog

Enjoy your SQLcl installation!

Installation steps for Windows

  • tested with Windows 11

  • SQLcl 23.3 with Open Source Liquibase 4.18.0 included

Go to the Oracle website and download the latest version of SQLcl.

Unpack the downloaded file and put it in your folder with applications.

  • I use C:\Users\rgrze\tools\sqlcl-latest for that (use whatever you wish)

  • Your folder \ sqlcl \ should look similar to this:

Configure your PATH. To do this, go to environment variables.

Ensure you have JAVA_HOME defined.

Go to "Path" and click on first Edit button below it.

Add new PATH.

Select a location of your \sqlcl\bin folder

Verify installation by opening the terminal and typing:

All set.

SQLcl configuration for usage with Oracle databases: on-prem & cloud

Below instructions are the same for MacOS & Windows users

Oracle Cloud Autonomous Database (ATP, ADW) using Oracle Wallet

  • log into your OCI account and download your instance or regional wallet

  • save it in your chosen location

  • I use /Users/rg/apps/oracle/wallets/privs for that

  • It looks like this:

    • open terminal and SQLcl ( nolog = open SQLcl without connection)

      type sql /nolog

        sql /nolog
    • Set the location of the wallet.


        set cloudconfig /users/rg/apps/oracle/wallets/priv/Wallet_REGIONAL.zip


  •           set cloudconfig C:\Users\rgrze\tools\wallets\Wallet_DEV.zip
  • type show tns*t*o list available entries

  •           show tns



  • type connect username@[TNS_NAME] to connect to your database (you will be prompted for password)

  • You can also type connect username/password@[TNS_NAME]

  • you can type**show connection - to see your current connection

  • An alternative way of connecting (right after you open your terminal) is:

sql username@TNS_NAME

sql username/password@TNS_NAME

Oracle Database On-Premise ( no wallet)

Just type:

--provide password
sql username/password@host:port/SID

--will be prompted for password
sql RAFAL@

sql /nolog
connect RAFAL@

Save your connection with a friendly name and connect with ease!

This is the easiest way of connecting, e.g. to my connection called COOL

This feature is called saved connections - read more about it here.

You can use it both with on-premise and cloud connections.

Use standalone Liquibase to deploy SQLcl changesets

If you want to use standalone Liquibase, you can still deploy changesets generated by Oracle SQLcl. To do this you need to do some simple tweaks. Just follow this quick tutorial from SQLcl documentation

How to install standalone Liquibase? Just read my step-by-step tutorial.

Configure Liquibase for UTF-8 encoding (Windows users)

Read this tutorial.

How to use SQLcl + Liquibase

  • Read my blog series "Mastering SQLcl Liquibase"

  • Oracle 23.3 official documentation is here

  • And if you are looking for fast examples, just open SQLcl and type help to list available commands

For help on a topic type help <topic> 
List of Help topics available:
/                  @                  @@                 ACCEPT             
ALIAS              APEX               APPEND             AQ                 
BREAK              BRIDGE             BTITLE             CD                 
CERTIFICATE        CHANGE             CLEAR              CLOUDSTORAGE       
CODESCAN           COLUMN             COMPUTE            CONNECT            
CONNMGR            COPY               CS                 CTAS               
DATAPUMP           DBCCRED            DDL                DEFINE             
DEL                DESCRIBE           DG                 DISCONNECT         
EDIT               EXECUTE            EXIT               FIND               
FORMAT             GET                HISTORY            HOST               
LIST               LOAD               MIGRATEADVISOR     MKSTORE            
MODELER            NET                OCI                OCIDBMETRICS       
OERR               ORAPKI             PASSWORD           PAUSE              
PRINT              PROMPT             QUIT               REMARK             
REPEAT             RESERVED_WORDS     REST               RUN                
SAVE               SCRIPT             SECRET             SET                
SHOW               SHUTDOWN           SODA               SPOOL              
SSHTUNNEL          START              STARTUP            STORE              
TIMING             TNSPING            TOSUB              TTITLE             
UNDEFINE           UNLOAD             VARIABLE           VAULT              
WHENEVER           WHICH              XQUERY
  • help liquibase to get more about the usage of Liquibase, etc.
help liquibase
  Liquibase|lb COMMAND {OPTIONS}
  Liquibase|lb  help|he [-example|-ex]
  Liquibase|lb  help|he COMMAND [-syntax|-sy] [-example|-ex]

  The following commands are available within the Liquibase feature.

    Calculates and prints a checksum for the changeset with the given id in the
    format filepath::id::author

    Marks all changes in the changelog file as executed in the database

    Output the raw SQL used by Liquibase when running changelogSync

    Marks all undeployed changesets as executed starting from the top of the
    changelog file and moving down up to and including the tag.

    Output the raw SQL used by Liquibase when running changelogSyncToTag

    Clears all checksums and nullifies the MD5SUM column of the DATABASECHANGELOG
    table so that they will be re-computed on the next database update

    Generate changelogs for the data - Creates changelog for data from all objects
    or as filers are specified.

    Generates JavaDoc documentation for the existing database and changelogs

    Compare two databases

    Compare two databases to produce changesets resolving the differences and write
    them to a changelog file

    dropAll drops all database objects owned by the user. 

    Generates SQL that would be used to sequentially revert the specified number of
    undeployed changes

    Generates SQL to revert future undeployed changes up to the specified tag

    Generate the raw SQL needed to rollback future undeployed changes

    Generates the changeset for an APEX object

    Writes Change Log XML to copy the current state of the database

    Generates an empty control file that can be used to start a new changelog. 

    Writes Change Log XML to copy the current state of the database object to a file

    Generates the code necessary to reproduce a module and all children using the
    ORDS API's.

    Generates the code necessary to reproduce all modules and children using the
    ORDS API's.

    Writes Change Log XML to copy the current state of the database to files 

    List all deployed changesets and their deployment ID

    List the hostname, IP address, and timestamp of the Liquibase lock record

    Marks the next change you apply as executed in your database

    Writes the SQL used to mark the next change you apply as executed in your

    Remove the Liquibase lock record from the DATABASECHANGELOG table

    Rollback changes made to the database based on the specified tag

    Rollback the specified number of changes made to the database

    Generate the SQL to rollback the specified number of changes

    Generate the SQL to rollback changes made to the database after a defined tag.

    Rollback changes made to the database back to the specified date/time

    Generate SQL to rollback changes made to the database back to the specified

    Capture the current state of a target database

    Generate a list of pending changesets

    Mark the current database state with the specified tag to use for roll back.

    Verify the existence of the specified tag

    Generate a list of changesets that have been executed but are not in the current

    Deploy any changes in the changelog file that have not been deployed.

    Deploy the specified number of changes from the changelog file.

    Generate the SQL to deploy the specified number of changes for review before
    running the update command.

    Generate the SQL identified in the changelog for review before running the
    update command.

    Updates database, then rolls back changes before updating again. It provides
    testing of rollback funtionality.

    Deploy changes sequentially from the newest changeset up to and including the
    changeset with the specified tag.

    Generate the SQL from the newest changeset up to and including the changeset
    with the specified tag.

    Validate the changelog for errors that may cause an UPDATE to fail


Enjoy your SQLcl with Liquibase!